Ability Works is now contracting with the Erie County Board of Developmental Disabilities (ECBDD) to assume the transportation services previously provided by ECBDD. This service, Provider of Last Resort (POLR), transports individuals to employment sites throughout Erie Co. seven days a week.
Our Transportation Department continues to be very busy transporting clients to our Day Services, and our contracted riders at Sandusky Schools. We continue to see new opportunities with different school classes now utilizing our services for outings, career exploration and more!
To keep up with these growing needs we will be welcoming the POLR driving staff onto our team at Ability Works. Additionally, we hired a new fill-in driver, and are purchasing new vehicles.
We are excited to be the new hub for the POLR drivers who are providing transportation outside of traditional provider hours. This is a great service we are able to provide our county, and a chance to continue expanding the transportation we provide to our individuals.