Yet again, we had two amazing employees and couldn't choose just one! Congratulations to Morgan and Jeff for being Employees of the Month. Check out their nominations below.
"I would like to nominate Morgan Sibley for Employee of the Month for Sept. She made it through another year of Summer Program and had to overcome many

obstacles along the way. She took it with a grain of salt and did what she had to do in many circumstances- which was work SYWE at many different sites and across several counties. She assisted with ensuring that 66 students (the most AW has ever worked with for SYWE) had a
meaningful employment experience this summer and tailored sites to many of the student's wants and needs. Morgan is still meeting this month with counselors, students, and family members to discuss their experiences with Ability Works. Congrats Morgan on a job well done this summer!" - Shelley

Jeff was nominated for Employee of the Month for going the extra step to help us make our building and flower beds look good for our upcoming Open House and Ribbon Cutting. He also worked with the guys in Voc Hab to pull weeds out of our flower beds.