We are lucky enough to have some super awesome staff and so we nominated TWO Employees of the Month! Congratulations to Nicole and Tony. Check out both of their nominations below
"I would like to nominate Nicole for Employee of the month. Nicole was willing to step in and cover the steps program when we needed it. Nicole has taken ownership of the group and even secured another volunteer site. Thank you Nicole!" - Amanda
The Supported Employment Department would like to nominate Tony Yourvitch for being an all-around go-getter in the Supported Employment and Vocational Habilitation Department. In the past month, he has helped out with Summer Program, Vocational Habilitation, Job Coaching, and Job Development and doesn't complain. He understands the importance of teamwork and filling in whenever and wherever he is needed. He is always willing to go that extra mile! Tony's hard work does not go unnoted and he is a valuable member of the AW team! Congratulations Tony and thank you for all your hard work this summer!